So you want to start a business! Ahh! I am so excited for you! Starting a business is exciting and a little terrifying all at once, especially if you have never started a business before. But fear not! These are the three things you need to do before you start your business ***Disclaimer- this episode […]
So you want to start a business! Ahh! I am so excited for you! Starting a business is exciting and a little terrifying all at once, especially if you have never started a business before. But fear not! These are the three things you need to do before you start your business
***Disclaimer- this episode is what you need to do before you get your tax identification number, LLC, business banking account set up, etc. It is very important to make sure you set up your business legally once you know what kind of business you want to set up. I am not a legal attorney and am not governed to give any legal advice. For legal advice on setting up your business, please consult a your local attorney!***
Before you start a business, here are the three things that you need to do!
When you are figuring out what kind of business you want to offer, the first important step is to pray about it. See where God is leading you. Give Him all of your ideas, worries, doubts, everything. If you don’t hear from him for a while, fast on it. You will be amazed at the amount of insight you will get, especially if you choose to make God the CEO of your business.
Trust in Him, and know He will lead you exactly where you need to be.
As mentioned in the first and second episodes, in April of last year, God wanted me to lay my entire photography business down. I didn’t work or bring in any income for myself for nearly 7 months. Many life changes happened during that time, between having a baby, having my husband in school, and moving across the country.
But after A LOT of prayers, ultimately, that audible verse that told me in January, “I gave you a voice for a reason,” is the same one who wanted me to start a blog to get on my feet again, and then the podcast.
When you pray and step into God’s calling, He will lead you to what steps to take next. That goes for everything, life and business.
What is something that you are good at that you want to offer to the world?
Maybe you are pretty decent at taking pictures on your iPhone and want to teach other moms how to do the same thing- there’s a business idea! Maybe you are super organized and want to help other entrepreneurs get their lives together by being a virtual assistant for them. Let’s say you have a love for selling- you could create a course to help others sell or sell digital products.
The ideas of what you can offer to the world are endless
If you are not sure what to offer, grab a sheet of paper and write down these next few questions with what your response would be
1- What are you passionate about?
2- What are some things people tell you all of the time that you rock at
3- Is there a niche you are super interested in
Bonus question- Is there a subject that you know a lot about and feel comfortable helping others who are going through it?
Invite the Holy Spirit in to ask and guide you on what kind of business God wants you to have.
Ideally, if you have a big vision in mind, write down that big vision and then work backward. Ask yourself, if I were to go after that vision, how would I get there?
Once you figure out your plan, remember this. At the end of the day, all of this is His timing, not yours.
One bible verse I love that explains this best is Habakkuk 2: 2-3.
“And the Lord answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.”
What this verse means is if it is in God’s will, it will happen in God’s timing, not your own. And it’s also telling you to write down the vision, not like some vision board, but to write it down.
here are the three tips one more time for a quick refresher
1) Pray, take it to God first
2) Brainstorm, what are you good at, what would you want your niche to be?
3) Write out your big vision, then work backward
Want to listen to more episodes? Make sure to check out:
001: Called to be a mother and business woman
002: New Age To Jesus (Part 1)
003: New Age To Jesus (Part 2)
from the With Grace and Faith Podcast, subscribe to listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Tune In, and iHeart Radio!
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Hi, friend! I'm Brianne- your new mom bff. I'm a Jesus-loving wife and mama passionate about helping moms simplify their lives.
After being radically saved by Jesus Christ from the occult, the Lord put it on my heart to foster a community of likeminded mamas who love Jesus, their families and want to live a more simplified, slower-paced life.
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