Best Three Apps To Focus For Busy Moms

Do you get distracted easily by your phone while playing with your kids? These are the three best apps to focus so you can be more present with your kids and get more done!  That red notification Have you sat on the floor playing with your kids and noticed your phone light up? Or you […]

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December 5, 2022

Brianne Hultzman

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Do you get distracted easily by your phone while playing with your kids? These are the three best apps to focus so you can be more present with your kids and get more done! 

That red notification

Have you sat on the floor playing with your kids and noticed your phone light up? Or you sneak away to the bathroom for a couple of minutes of mommy time when suddenly you notice a red “1” in your notifications on Facebook?  

Phones can be incredibly distracting, especially if you are trying to make a conscious effort to be more present with your kids or get more things done around the house. Or even worse, you can feel incredibly guilty because it feels like you are on your phone in front of the kids. 

Been there, done that! 

There is power in the “Do Not Disturb” button on your phone. But if it’s not cutting it, and you want to try different apps to minimize distraction so you can intentionally focus on your kids, check out the best three apps to focus for stay-at-home moms!

Disclaimer- I only recommend things that I use daily. The three apps mentioned are low-cost paid apps. 

Ready to get started? Here we go! 

1) Freedom App

With the Freedom app, you can cut out distractions completely. Is Facebook a distraction? Freedom will block it for you. Only need social media blocked for a certain amount of time during the day or week? Freedom does that!

Also, what’s excellent about Freedom is that you can put the app on multiple devices. Need to block out social media on your desktop? Freedom has got your back!

It’s not just social media, though. You can use Freedom to block websites, the internet, and other apps on your phone! 

For example- I use Freedom on the weekends. On Saturdays and Sundays, Freedom blocks all my social media to be present and focus on having fun with my family.

2) Forest app

If you want to discipline yourself to stop getting distracted by your phone, the Forest App is definitely for you. 

Here is how the forest app works. You grow a forest by picking what tree you want, and a timer will be set for a certain amount of time, like 30 minutes. If you leave the app open, you’ll see the tree grow and grow. If you make it to the end of the 30 minutes without checking other apps on your phone, your tree will be a part of your forest, and you’ll receive coins! But if you slip into temptation and leave the app only half open and check other apps, your tree will die instead or grow. 

You can use the coins you receive from growing a tree in the Forest app to unlock different species of plants and trees too!

Also, Forest partners with the non-profit organization Trees For Life to donate money to plant a real tree when users have enough coins to “plant a real tree.” 

For example- I use Forest when writing blog posts like this one!  

3) Noisli App

Are you looking for a white noise app while you focus on work or cleaning the house? Try the Noisli app! It’s an excellent app for stay-at-home moms because we tend to have a lot of daily noise. If we need to work, this app helps drown out the noise. 

The Noisli app has 28 different background noises to listen to, whether you are washing dishes, working, falling asleep, or anything! Of course, it’s also great to have in the background to get a sleepy baby asleep!

When I don’t use Noisli to fall asleep, I typically have it on while writing to block out any other noise around me! 

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Hi, friend! I'm Brianne- your new mom bff. I'm a Jesus-loving wife and mama passionate about helping moms simplify their lives.

After being radically saved by Jesus Christ from the occult, the Lord put it on my heart to foster a community of likeminded mamas who love Jesus, their families and want to live a more simplified, slower-paced life.


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