5 Productivity Tips For The Stay-At-Home Mom

After a long day with the kids, do you ever feel like it was all time wasted and you weren’t as productive as you thought you were? If you are nodding your head yes, check out these three productivity tips for the stay-at-home mom.  No more wasting time It’s 5 pm. The dinner is on […]

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November 22, 2022

Brianne Hultzman

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After a long day with the kids, do you ever feel like it was all time wasted and you weren’t as productive as you thought you were? If you are nodding your head yes, check out these three productivity tips for the stay-at-home mom. 

No more wasting time

It’s 5 pm. The dinner is on the stove, the kids are playing around, and it’s almost like your house is messier than it was this morning. It is as if you wasted your entire day when all you wanted to be is productive. Can you relate?

I have been there; totally done that!

But once I cracked the code on productivity, I even had the time in my schedule to start my side hustle! 

In this blog post, I will go over five productivity tips to get more done as a stay-at-home mom!

1 . Get Up Before the Kiddos 

Even if you are not a morning person, this tip deserves to be at the top of the list because you will be able to carve time out for yourself. 

Because let’s face it, you are a busy mama and have a ton on your plate. Sometimes as a mom, something simple as taking care of yourself or even having a break for yourself is hard to come by. Even worse, it gets put on the back burner and takes a toll on your mental health, physical health, and energy. 

When you intentionally carve out time for yourself in the morning, you have more time to do more stuff you love. 

When I get up in the morning, I read my bible, hop on the peloton, and shower before everyone wakes up. Then, if the kids are still not up, I’ll get in my work or school is done until they are up for the day! 

By getting up early, you are carving out more time to do the things you want. 

Next on the list! After getting up with the kids, another productivity tip is a…

2 . Morning Routine

Morning routines rock! Similar to getting yourself up before the kids do, a morning routine sets the standard of how productive you will be during the day. 

Why does it set the standard? Depending on how you utilize your morning routine, you can start your day with more energy and accomplish more things later in the day. 

Need help figuring out how to start your morning routine? Here is an example of a morning routine to follow:

5 am- Wake up for the day + Stretch

5:15 am- Grab a cold drink of water to wake up

5:30 am- Exercise

6:00 am- Shower

6:20 Am- Get ready for the day

If you choose to use the schedule above, by the time it is 6:30 am, you’ll have already exercised and got ready for the day!

Want more time for yourself? Consider getting up earlier than that! Whatever feels like you will have more time for yourself before your kiddos wake up, try that! 

Onto the third productivity tip!

3 . Stick To A Schedule

When you stick to a schedule, you can better plan for the week ahead and find time to do more fun things!

When you set a schedule, you can decide whether or not you want to do a daily schedule, weekly schedule, monthly schedule, or maybe even all three! Setting a schedule allows you to dedicate certain times or days to specific tasks. 

For example, we utilize a weekly homeschooling schedule. Mondays are Math days. 

Around the house, we have a weekly cleaning schedule. Mondays and Thursdays are laundry days! 

Setting a schedule also gives you an idea of how to plan your week better in case anything unexpected arises. Having a schedule allows you to move it around whenever you need to or want to switch things up!

Are you looking for a printable to make your daily or weekly schedule? Then, click on the link right here for the Ultimate Stay-At-Home Mom Productivity Bundle!

Bonus tip: Growing up, my mom used to say, “kids are creatures of habit.” And it’s true; they work best when they have a routine or schedule! So by setting a schedule for them, you are also helping your children with their productivity!

4 . Set A Timer

This one is so much fun for productivity! When you set a timer when doing things, you can get so much more done in a short amount of time. 

For example, I love setting my timer while cleaning the kitchen! It’s a fun challenge to see how many dishes you can complete. Or, if I’m working on my business, I set a timer for 20 minutes to see how fast I can go through my inbox!

I promise, once you start, you will be surprised just how much you can get done!

Bonus tip: Get the kiddos involved! One of my favorite games to play with my kids is to see how quickly they can neatly clean their room. Not only is it a fun challenge, but it keeps them occupied for a short time!

5 . Batching

If you are in the entrepreneur world, you might be familiar with the term “batching.” (If not, that’s totally fine, too, I’ll break down what it means.) 

“Batching” refers to focusing on similar items in a certain period. 

A relevant real-world (and literal) example of batching would be making cookies! You don’t make a single cookie one at a time; you make them in a batch. 

The same goes for productivity. Batching for you can look like every Monday morning dedicated to catch-up on laundry. Or you “batch” by meal-prepping your food on Sunday or only have family appointments on Wednesdays. 

Batching is one of the most time-efficient tips to be able to get things done in a short amount of time. 

To sum it all up…

Here are the 5 productivity tips for the stay-at-home mom to be able to do more things and get more things done!

1) Get up before the kiddos

2) Morning routine

3) Stick to a schedule

4) Set a timer

5) Batching

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Hi, friend! I'm Brianne- your new mom bff. I'm a Jesus-loving wife and mama passionate about helping moms simplify their lives.

After being radically saved by Jesus Christ from the occult, the Lord put it on my heart to foster a community of likeminded mamas who love Jesus, their families and want to live a more simplified, slower-paced life.


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