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The simple life- No, I don’t mean the old show from the early 2000s with Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie. I mean the life where things are simple, not complicated. You can slow down and enjoy everyday moments without rushing around. 

simple living is sexy- 5 ways to simplify your life today

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After a long day with the kids, do you ever feel like it was all time wasted and you weren’t as productive as you thought you were? If you are nodding your head yes, check out these three productivity tips for the stay-at-home mom.  No more wasting time It’s 5 pm. The dinner is on […]

Get to know me

My name is Brianne- your new mom bff. I'm a Jesus loving, sourdough-making wife, mama of 2, and host of the Hearty Homemaker podcast. I am passionate about helping mamas simplify their lives.

If you are tired of feeling overwhelmed with the mile-long to do lists and eager to simplify your life, you are in the right place! Welcome home!

hi Friend! And Welcome to

Hearty Homemaker

mama x two

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