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The simple life- No, I don’t mean the old show from the early 2000s with Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie. I mean the life where things are simple, not complicated. You can slow down and enjoy everyday moments without rushing around. 

simple living is sexy- 5 ways to simplify your life today

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Do you ever feel like you struggling being present as a parent? Like, no matter how hard you try to be present with your child, you are still thinking about something else. If so, this blog post is for you. All I wanted to be was a present parent. When I was New Age Spirituality, […]

Get to know me

My name is Brianne- your new mom bff. I'm a Jesus loving, sourdough-making wife, mama of 2, and host of the Hearty Homemaker podcast. I am passionate about helping mamas simplify their lives.

If you are tired of feeling overwhelmed with the mile-long to do lists and eager to simplify your life, you are in the right place! Welcome home!

hi Friend! And Welcome to

Hearty Homemaker

mama x two

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