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Welcome back to episode 7 of the With Grace and Faith Podcast! I’m your host, Brianne! And in today’s episode, we will discuss 3 things we can learn from the Proverbs 31 woman! Who is the Proverbs 31 woman? She is very admirable and the definition of what every woman should strive to be. Whether […]

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  Welcome to Episode 2 of the With Grace and Faith Podcast! On today’s podcast, we are going to talk about what happened the actual day that Jesus ripped me out of New Age Spirituality! In the last episode, I talked about my background, how I got into New Age Spirituality, some experiences, and how […]

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Thank you so much for tuning into Episode 2 of the With Grace and Faith Podcast. On today’s episode, I will share part 1 of my New Age to Jesus testimony. Reminder- these are the brief show notes of the episode! To hear all of the juicy stories, listen make sure to listen to the […]

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Are you in a season when everything feels like it is falling apart? If so, know you are not alone! In this article, we will go over three simple steps to do when everything goes wrong. Ready to get started? Here we go! When everything goes wrong Let’s face it; life is rough. Especially if […]

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Are you currently in the middle of leaving New Age Spirituality? If so, here are three things you need to know and expect when going. So you are leaving New Age Spirituality… First and foremost, I want to congratulate you! Returning to your old ways when you leave new-age spirituality is tempting. Cause, let’s face […]

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Hi, friend! I'm Brianne- your new mom bff. I'm a Jesus-loving wife and mama passionate about helping moms simplify their lives.

After being radically saved by Jesus Christ from the occult, the Lord put it on my heart to foster a community of likeminded mamas who love Jesus, their families and want to live a more simplified, slower-paced life.


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